🪙 A Future I'd Like to Help Create

In my imagination, an idealistic but possible reality is decreasing oppression by spreading bitcoin worldwide. With star link and solar power, we could connect the entire world to a global economy while happily living a more tribal lifestyle, instead of being locked into suburban, corporate hell. Of course I understand that I am extremely privileged to be a programmer in the USA, I will address this. I think the US exists in this stupid suburban and corporate office world because of network infrastructure. As the Egyptians congregated around the Nile, the modern American congregates around network infrastructure, because through this infrastructure is how we create and receive value.

Addressing first world privilege. First of all, I think It's irrefutable that many 9-5 office workers are more well off than laborers in survival circumstances. But to say we are thriving? Millions suffer deprivation of sunlight, obesity, loneliness, drug addiction, digital content addiction. We are more anxious and depressed than ever, is that really surprising? To me, bitcoin has more potential to alleviate this quiet suffering among first worlders and loud suffering among third worlders than any other technology I've seen.

I think some global variables are lining up such that a more free world could emerge. With the USA off the gold standard and inflation off the charts, I believe average first worlders will look at stores of value segregated from government influence. Some percentage will buy bitcoin. When a first worlder puts a money into bitcoin for financial security, a third world citizen gets a slightly more powerful and relevant tool at their disposal.

Empires and institutions that seem indestructible seem to break down eventually, look at the Roman Empire. The internet has changed the fabric of reality, giving previously incomprehensible freedoms into the hands of the individual again. As the course of time marches on and empires crumble, I hope the individuals with the insight to utilize this technology use it to make the world better, rather than letting new empires take advantage of us in incomprehensibly abhorrent ways. Anyway that sounds dramtic, but ya know anything could happen right?

Helping South American cacao farmers afford their own crop, and end the exploitation caused by the current global economy. Enabling Women in the Middle East be paid for their work. Someday, the same farmer who uses their autonomous harvester can receive the same bitcoin for their corn as I do for writing code, but in the preferred community and geography of our choosing. This is the world I'd like to live in, and this is the vision that brings me purpose when I work.